Business Environment Communications Program (BEC)

Take up the Business Environment Communications Program (BEC), and receive a solid English proficiency preparation that will get you into your program of choice at Eton College Canada — faster and with confidence.
Designed specifically for Eton College Canada students, the unique, short-duration program encompasses autonomous modules. Each BEC module includes a general business language and concepts component, as well as tourism industry language and concepts component. It focuses on communication skills with a particular emphasis on the acquisition of business and academic vocabularies necessary to successfully complete other programs offered at Eton College Canada.
Students are assessed for preparedness in all four English skills — listening, reading, writing, and speaking — for entry into Eton College’s career and academic programs.
If you are interested in the Business Environment Communications (BEC) program, please call 1-604-677-3866 to speak with an Eton College representative.