Introduction to Marketing

Program duration: 48 hours


Program type: Short Course

This course introduces students to the role of marketing for independent companies and within business worldwide. The course emphasizes the market mix, known as the 4 P’s of marketing: product, price, place and promotion. Students will also explore current marketing issues and methods of assessing marketing efforts. Canadian and global concepts will be explored.


Course Prerequisites

Previous computer skills


Delivery Methods:

Online| On-campus| Combined





Student Progression And Reporting

Student will be assessed by daily attendance, assignments, and completion of in class activities.

Learning objectives

At the end of the course, the successful student should be able to:

Completion Requirements

To successfully complete this course, students must:



  • The meaning and importance of marketing from a historical
  • Marketing functions and marketing variables in the context of the corporation.
  • The environment within which marketing decisions must be made and executed; specifically, attention will be given to the competitive, regulatory, technological, social and economic environments.
  • 4 P’s of Marketing.
  • An introduction to the factors affecting the purchasing behaviour of consumers, both industrial and individual.
  • Internal and external influences on buyers.
  • The marketing planning process — attention will be given to information requirements and process for marketing analysis and decision-making.
  • The sequence of steps in making marketing decisions in the firm.
  • The methods of collecting and analyzing marketing information. Survey research, secondary data sourcing, observation and other techniques will be discussed.
  • Introduction to the similarities and differences between consumer and business marketing.
  • The marketing of services, non-profit and charitable organizations, and the differences between product and services marketing.
  • The basis and uses of market segmentation. Emphasis will be placed on geographic, demographic, psychographic and usage rate/benefit bases.
  • Definitions of what constitutes a product, product life cycles, and product classifications.
  • The particular issues related to new product development and marketing.
  • Marketing services & intangibles
  • The concept of price, pricing objectives and methods of price determination.
  • Introduction to break-even analysis as an example of the quantitative techniques used in price setting
  • Current trends in distribution.
  • The options and problems involved in the distribution of goods. Topics will include the role of wholesalers and retailers, and the functions within these types of organizations.
  • The importance of the promotional mix.
  • Advertising, sales promotion, publicity and personal selling strategies and tactics.
  • Applying digital marketing (modern society) to advertising, sales promotion, etc.
  • Social media and marketing strategy

Tuition and fees

CAD $900

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